Monday, July 11, 2016

Screencasting in Kindergarten

Teachers of all grades and subject levels are impressed when they see this video of a kindergartener making a screencast of himself reading:

And this is a kindergartener in October! Any teacher with Kindergarten experience can tell you that this is very different from a kindergartener in May. In the video, he makes the screencast independently. 

When we give students access to modern tools, when we stop being afraid of what they might do and focus on what they CAN do, we empower our littlest learners by giving them opportunities to become creators!

So why would a teacher want a recording of their students reading? To begin, what a great way to begin addressing the CCSS ELA Speaking and Listening standards?!?! These are often forgotten and non-prioritized in many classrooms.

Other reasons:
  • Fluency practice
  • Articulation and intonation
  • Anecdotal evidence
  • Sharing with parents and other family members
  • Taking running records for progress monitoring or assessment
  • Sharing with peers

Another example - My own daughter made this recording in her Kindergarten class. 

After listening to it, we had a conversation about fluency and intonation in reading. Right after, she asked, "Can I record it AGAIN to make it better, Mommie?"

My answer? "Yes my love, you CAN."

These videos were made using the Screencastify extension in the Chrome web browser, which has been added to all of the students' Google Apps for Education accounts. is up and running!

As a former K-2 teacher, I have a passion for getting modern tools into the hands of our littlest learners. So many folks underestimate what our youngest students can do with technology. And so many teachers want to get started, but struggle to find resources that are appropriate for primary-aged students.

I have been so fortunate to have the opportunity share my Primarily Google sessions with over a thousand teachers at various conferences and Google Summits across the country. At these events, people often ask if I have a website or blog where I share this work. 

To answer this call, I've added resources including slide decks and student samples at We're just getting started, and I can't wait to continue this work - creating, sharing, and learning with others!

Feel free to use, share, and modify anything you find!